Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Apparently I'm on a tear...

Rob Goedman gets the Official Tester Award for RExecServer, reporting several issues with the graphics subsystem and my inability to appropriately use version control systems. There are a bunch of changes in the git repository:

  • All the files you need are actually there

  • Clipping rects are restored on subsequent updates so some things are working better

  • Terminal support has been refactored into a pseudo-GUI to help make sure I have coverage on the things I'll need for a true front end. Its probably fractionally slower than a true Terminal version of R, but it has some more flexibility

  • Device windows close when devices go away. A good thing too because they'd crash if you resized them after the device disappeared.

I've been playing with making the RGUI_Type not be AQUA, which restores all of the help file functionality, but causes an annoying (and untrue) complaint from quartz() among other things like trying to use X11 for select.list(). I wish there was a way to selectively deactivate things like that in R instead of the blanket situation we have now. There are a number of places where we have

if(.Platform$GUI == "windows" | .Platform$GUI == "AQUA") ... else ...

that are just irritating. Personally, I think we should be doing dispatch (S3, S4, I don't care) where .Platform$GUI becomes an _object_ so that I can define functions for my particular GUI and where .default is the stuff on the RHS of the else.

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